Click Millionaires


Click Millionaires work less, live more with an internet business you love. It’s time for a change! Your job should help you live the life you want, not force you into a lifestyle you don’t enjoy just to keep your bills paid. Instead, how about building a lifestyle you like today so you don’t have to postpone so much of your life until retirement.


This book shares details of the unprecedented opportunity you have to (re)design your career and life to achieve financial independence and success on your own terms. It can help you leave behind many of the compromises and frustrations that plague corporate life and start the transition from making your boss rich to enriching
your own life instead.
While the media and many business books assume you need to be a software geek or a Stanford MBA to “succeed” online, I believe you already have the credentials you need to build a profitable Internet lifestyle business based on your own real-life experience and interests.


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